Tuesday, March 23, 2010

University Life & All That Jazz.

So, im a student at university.
I know the connotations; hard work, assignments, all nighters, studying, books, scholars, huge lecture halls...

well, today i made a collage & got captured by the ozone layer.

sounds exciting huh?
not what i expected to learn at uni.

the collage was actually pretty liberating though, we had to flip through a magazine so quickly & rip out all images that we though were applicable to our question, mine was; what influences my creativity?/how do i express my creativity?

ill post up my collage & its analysis soon.

the next class i have is about the environment... obviously.
in short, i really did just run around in a goofy looking headband & get captured by another person in a goofy looking headband....

i wasnt really paing attention.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Seja (Portuguese Origins)

v. be, exist; go


be (be; unstressed bi)
instransitive verb
was or were, been, be'-ing
1. to exist or be true

ex-ist (eg zist)
intransitive verb
1. be; to be, especially to be a real, actual, or current thing
2. live; to be alive
3. occur; to be present

I struggle to know who I am, but I have just realised that I like this better, I find myself more interesting, more willing to accept the present & less scared of the future.
I like organisation, but love being; living, I think I may have just just found my very happy medium.

be-ing (bee-ing)
1. existence; the state of existing
2. essential nature; somebody's essential nature or character